
Thursday, April 22, 2010

About Me: Victoria

Hi, I'm Victoria, and I am a CSA member! This is my second year belonging to a CSA, though I have switched farms this year to a CSA that includes some fruit. I love cooking for myself and my husband, as well as my daughter who is just starting on solid foods. I will cook anything, though I tend to focus on traditional dishes (pasta, meatloaf, roast chicken, macaroni, etc.). My husband is also an avid cook who loves Asian inspired dishes and raw foods (sushi, ceviche, oysters, carpaccio...).

Cooking is a family activity at our house. We love to use fresh ingredients wherever possible. Our favorite cookbooks at the moment include Food Revolution by Jaime Oliver, I'm Just Here for the Food by Alton Brown, Cooks Illustrated (Magazine and Books) and so many more, mainly old ones passed down by our families. I am very excited to have a place to share recipes and other information about the CSA along with my fellow local food lovers!

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