
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

That time of year...

Welcome back for another year of eating healthily and locally with your local CSA! We here at the CSA Cafe are gearing up for the year. We are looking to expand our focus a bit this year - sharing recipes and tips on how to make the best use of your CSA box each week, but also ideas for activities and crafts to do with your family and anything else we think of related to using your CSA effectively.

If you haven't already, now is the time to find a CSA in your area. Many CSAs do sell all their shares by the beginning of the growing season. If you are unfamiliar with local CSAs, a great place to start is your local farm market. Many farms also offer CSA programs with weekly or biweekly pickups at convenient locations.

Hope to see you often back here at the CSA Cafe!